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What are scorpions?

Scorpions are predatory creatures that belong to the class Arachnida. They have four pairs of legs that end in claws. They also have a pair of large pincers and strong jaws that they use to hunt and hold onto their prey. Their long, segmented tails end with a stinger they use to defend themselves and capture their prey. Scorpions have poor eyesight and rely on touch and vibrations to navigate.

The most common species of scorpion living throughout Hawaii is the lesser brown scorpion. The lesser brown scorpion lives a long life, with most living between three and five years.

Are scorpions dangerous?

Scorpions have the potential to be very dangerous to people. Some species have very strong venom that causes serious and life-threatening health risks in people. The good news is the lesser brown scorpion’s venom is not very potent and does not pose a significant health risk to people. However, you should always be careful to avoid lesser brown scorpions as their stings are painful and swelling will develop around the puncture site.

Why do I have a scorpion problem?

The lesser brown scorpion thrives in the warm, tropical climate that Hawaii provides. Any outdoor space has the potential to become a home to scorpions as long as there is plenty of shelter and food. Scorpions feed on a wide variety of creatures, including insects, spiders, other scorpions, and mice. While scorpions mainly live outdoors, they do often find their way into homes, garages, sheds, and other outbuildings while hunting.

Where will I find scorpions?

Outside, lesser brown scorpions live and hide in a variety of places. During the day, these nocturnal creatures hide under boards, trash, rocks, fallen trees, and mulch. They also seek shelter under houses. Scorpions will move into homes and other structures through openings they find in the foundation or exterior walls while hunting, or to escape the heat. They also get in through open doors and windows. Indoors, they hide in crawl spaces, behind walls, in attics, and under sinks in kitchens and bathrooms.

How do I get rid of scorpions?

If you have discovered scorpions in your yard or home, the best way to get rid of them and prevent them from returning, is to reach out to Mr. T's Pest Control. Our team will come to your aid and develop a pest control program that is customized to meet the unique needs of your home and family.

Our highly trained and experienced professionals are passionate about eliminating pests through our proven treatment methods. If you are looking for exceptional pest control for your Hawaii home or business, reach out to Mr. T's Pest Control!

How can I prevent scorpions in the future?

Keep scorpions out of your Hawaii home and away from your family with the help of Mr. T's Pest Control and the following scorpion prevention tips:

  • Seal up cracks and crevices in the foundation and exterior walls.

  • Repair torn or loose screens.

  • Fix gaps found around windows and doors.

  • Remove things like fallen trees, woodpiles, and other excess debris from your yard.

  • Create a barrier of crushed rock or stone between any mulch or soil and your home’s foundation.

  • Use dehumidifiers to keep basements dry.

  • Repair leaky pipes.

  • Reduce areas of clutter in and around your home.

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